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Foto del escritor: kerenehrlikerenehrli
When applying for a job a curriculum may be the difference of going to the next step, the job interview. These 4 tips will help you write a perfect curriculum

1. L E S S I S M O R E

Some people may say that more is better, but when it comes to curriculums less is more. Hiring managers have a lot of curriculums to read, remember you are not that special. So don`t make their job harder by writing an extremely long curriculum, with two pages is more than enough.

2. S T A N D O U T

A said before hiring managers read a lot of curriculums, and most of them are very similar. Find something that makes you unique and different from the rest.

3. O N L Y T H E I M P O R T A N T

When writing your curriculum the writing has to be concrete and specific. DON`T WRITE about your high school experience if it’s not very relevant. ONLY THE IMPORTANT FACTS!

4. D E T A I L S A R E F O R T H E I N T E R V I E W

If you are lucky and get selected for the next phase; the job interview. The details that you excluded from your interview can be said in the interview.


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