ChampagnePapi14 nov 20192 Min. de lectura5 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS THAT WOMEN WOULD LOVE THIS YEARChristmas is coming and that’s why Lokal has given you the best ideas for this christmas. T E R R A N I U M C AN D L E This amazing...
ChampagnePapi14 nov 20191 Min. de lecturaITX EXTRACURRICULAR SPORTSince 2009 Tepeyac Xcaret opened their doors for all students in Playa del Carmen for the extracurricular sports, Tepeyac Xcaret always...
ChampagnePapi13 nov 20191 Min. de lecturaSPECIAL ENGLISH WORKSHOPNew students have entered to Tepeyac Xcaret, and new entry students, tend to struggle in english. This special english workshop has...